25 June 2010


CATALYST Strategic Design Review is a quarterly magazine managed by students, faculty and staff of the Pratt Design Management program. The group was established in 2009 as a forum leading critical thinking and dialogue on the subjects of strategic and innovative design while striving to create economic value and maintain environmental stewardship. Through its first year of publication, CATALYST has covered topics ranging from the High Line project in the city, to the relationships between eco-friendly design and social wellbeing. Check out the digital issues

#1: Benign by Design: NYC
#2: Designing Climate-Safe Economies: Life-Centered Design
#3: Designing Climate-Safe Economies: Cradle to Cradle
#4: Designing Wellbeing: Re-focus. Re-invent. Rejuvenate.

For more regular postings and updates, CATALYST also has a blog, a sister site with article and discussion postings helping to keep the general public stay informed on various subjects and current events.

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